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September 12, 2023

Hair Transplatation Istanbul

idering a hair transplant in Istanbul, here are some steps to help you find a reputable clinic and surgeon:

  1. Research and Make a List: Start by researching hair transplant clinics in Istanbul. Look for clinics with a good reputation and a history of successful procedures. You can use online search engines, medical directories, or ask for recommendations from friends or online communities.
  2. Check Credentials: Verify the credentials of the clinic and surgeon. Ensure that the clinic is accredited and that the surgeon is licensed and experienced in hair transplantation. Look for before-and-after photos of previous patients on the clinic’s website.
  3. Read Reviews and Testimonials: Read reviews and testimonials from patients who have undergone hair transplantation at the clinic you’re considering. This can provide insights into the patient experience and the quality of the results.
  4. Schedule Consultations: Contact the clinics on your list and schedule consultations. During the consultations, discuss your specific goals, expectations, and any concerns you may have. Ask about the surgeon’s experience and the techniques they use.
  5. Check the Clinic’s Facility: Visit the clinic if possible or at least inquire about the facility where the procedure will take place. Ensure that it meets international standards for safety and hygiene.
  6. Ask About Costs: Inquire about the cost of the procedure, including the number of grafts needed, any additional fees, and the payment process. Make sure you understand what is included in the price.
  7. Discuss the Hair Transplant Technique: There are different hair transplant techniques, such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). Discuss with the surgeon which technique is suitable for your specific case.
  8. Post-Operative Care: Ask about the post-operative care and follow-up appointments provided by the clinic. Understand the recovery process and any restrictions.
  9. Request References: If you have any doubts or concerns, consider asking the clinic for references from previous patients who are willing to share their experiences with you.
  10. Review the Contract: Carefully review the contract and any terms and conditions before proceeding with the procedure. Make sure you are clear on all aspects of the treatment.
  11. Verify the Surgeon’s Registration: You can verify a surgeon’s registration and credentials with the Turkish Medical Association (Türk Tabipleri Birliği) or other relevant medical associations in Turkey.

Here are some famous hair transplantation clinics and doctors in Istanbul that were well-regarded at that time:

  1. Dr. Tayfun Oguzoglu (Medicana Hair Transplant Center): Dr. Tayfun Oguzoglu is a highly respected hair transplant surgeon known for his expertise in FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) techniques. He operates at Medicana Hair Transplant Center in Istanbul.
  2. Dr. Ekrem Civas (Civas Hair Transplant Clinic): Dr. Ekrem Civas is a renowned hair transplant specialist with a focus on FUE and Sapphire FUE techniques. His clinic, Civas Hair Transplant, is well-regarded for its results and patient satisfaction.
  3. Dr. Serkan Aygin (Dr. Serkan Aygin Clinic): Dr. Serkan Aygin is known for his experience in hair transplantation and FUE techniques. His clinic, the Dr. Serkan Aygin Clinic, is popular among international patients.
  4. Dr. Emrah Cinik (Dr. Cinik Hair Hospital): Dr. Emrah Cinik is a leading hair transplant surgeon in Istanbul with expertise in FUE and DHI methods. His clinic, Dr. Cinik Hair Hospital, is known for its professionalism and patient care.
  5. Dr. Resul Yaman (Dr. Resul Yaman Clinic): Dr. Resul Yaman is a skilled hair transplant surgeon who offers FUE and DHI procedures. His clinic, the Dr. Resul Yaman Clinic, is recognized for its quality services.
  6. Dr. Balwi (Elithairtransplant): Dr. Balwi, known for his hair transplant work, operates through the Elithairtransplant clinic. He specializes in FUE and offers hair restoration services to international patients.
  7. Dr. Koray Erdogan (Asmed Clinic): Dr. Koray Erdogan is a prominent hair transplant surgeon and the founder of the Asmed Clinic. His clinic is known for its advanced techniques and high-quality results.
  8. Dr. Bircan (Dr. Bircan Hair Transplant Clinic): Dr. Bircan is an experienced hair transplant surgeon who specializes in FUE and offers services at the Dr. Bircan Hair Transplant Clinic.
  9. Dr. Ilker Apaydin (Teknon Medical Center): Dr. Ilker Apaydin is known for his work in hair restoration and is associated with the Teknon Medical Center in Istanbul.
  10. Dr. Cuneyt Ozgur (Dr. Cuneyt Ozgur Hair Transplant Clinic): Dr. Cuneyt Ozgur is a reputable hair transplant surgeon who operates through his eponymous clinic, the Dr. Cuneyt Ozgur Hair Transplant Clinic.

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Category: Istanbul
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